Certification Process

If you want to become a hockey official, here is all the info you need! Officiating hockey games is fun and a great way to use all the knowledge you have learned as a player. It's also a great way to make money, as most games pay around $30/game. Anyone that is 12 years of age before December 1st of this year can become an official.
If you want to stay in the loop with when seminars open, etc, please fill out this form to be added to the mailing list of current Officials within the LAHA teams:
Certification Process
1. Register with USA Hockey.
Each official must register online with USA Hockey. The registration fees vary depending on your officiating level. After you register you will receive a rulebook in the mail and an online open-book test.
2. Attend a Virtual Seminar.
USAH is working through technology related issues and has put a one-year pause on the open book test and online modules. Sign-up for a virtual seminar here